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Spoiler Alert Improv

Spoiler Alert is an improv troupe at the University of Southern California. We perform free hour-long improvised plays (and monthly musicals) Tuesdays at 10 pm at Tommy's Place.

Meet the Spoilers

Josh Morton

Please send help

Kasia Monet

One early morning, a man was awoken by a raven. The raven said "Caw, Caw!" And the man responded, "Shut Up!" But the raven would not cease. Louder and faster it cried, "Caw!" And louder and faster the man responded "Shut Up!" Soon, they began yelling over one another. A passerby walked near the window, and overheard, "Caw!" "Shu-" "CAW!" "SHU-" That's how you pronounce my name. "Caw•Shuh".

Valentina Navarro-Marsili

Valentina hordes chapstick and loves ancient mythology. She also likes to giggle and eat dairy free ice cream

Anya Jiménez

Anya is convinced that she was put on this Earth to be a hotdog salesman, but college improv will do just fine for now. Soon, my sweet Yankee Stadium. Soon.

Samara Hernandez

Samara Hernandez can write. Samara Hernandez is funny. Samara Hernandez did not contract infinite monkeys to infinitely type and come up with this. Samara Hernandez is not terribly in debt after purchasing infinite bananas. Samara Hernanjdkg lKisi kfiekj kgNds!jaibg, ki9benl.

Carmen Thomassiny

Carmen is dedicated to fulfilling all your musical dreams... except for playing the Hamilton soundtrack for you while you scream the words.

Lolu Ijidakinro

Why use many word when few word work? Lolu make funny voice sometime. Lolu improv too. Lolu laugh even. aha

Avery Zerr

I don't know how I got here. It's been many hours. Please send for help, its getting cold.

Jack Elias

Jack Elias is fortune un-teller. If you or a loved one has had their future predicted and didn't like the results call 555-912-7853 for a free consultation.

In Memoriam

Billy Nayman
Madeleine Smith
Matthew Christofferson
Thomas Sullivan
Estefan Granucci
Gabie Faulkner
Bebe Katsenes
Ruby Marker
Evan O'Brien
Cameron Bennett
Bryn Doyle
Tessa O'Bryan

Liam Clancy
Joe Harlan
Cam Gavinski
Kim Walker
Gabe Godoi
Alistair Duff Whatley
Cam Plunkett
Katherine Duffy
Justin Brush
James Gadreaux
Mellie Nolen
Steven Miller

David Mandell
Karan Lyons
Matt Keibler
Cece B.
Molly Sharpe
Reily Hoeft
Chase Anderson-Shaw
Connor Cassidy Fitzgerald
Jesse Pilchen
Andre Adams
Caroline Spinola
Ian Baker